刘震云米兰读者见面会 2024年12月2日,“刘震云米兰读者见面会”于比可卡大学的Martinotti礼堂举行。刘震云是当今中国文坛最成功的作家之一,他的作品被翻译成二十多种语言在全世界发行。最近,他最重要的作品《一句顶一万句》以意大利语出版,本书荣获2006年中国文学最高奖茅盾奖。本书被...
Tag: China
Liu Zhenyun’s Milan Reader Event On December 2, 2024, the "Liu Zhenyun Milan Reader Event" was held at the Martinotti Auditorium of Bicocca Unive...
全球化背景下的老龄化与社会挑战:中意两国不同的选择 在全球化的大背景下,人口老龄化已成为跨国界的共同挑战。特别是在生育率下降和预期寿命延长的双重影响下,人口老龄化问题日益凸显。意大利和中国,作为两个具有不同社会制度和经济发展水平的国家,在应对这些挑战时采取了不同的策略。 人口老龄化:意大利...
The NDP Project Laboratory of the University of Milan – Project of the www.nationaldailypress.it journal – Intesa Sanpaolo Protezione Professor L...
欧盟征收关税 尽管欧盟对中国电动汽车反补贴调查遭到中欧各界的质疑和反对,2024年10月29日,欧盟委员会仍然发布“对原产于中国新型纯电动乘用车征收最终反补贴税”实施条例,决定对从中国进口的纯电动汽车征收7.8%-35.3%的额外反补贴税,并于当地时间10月30日施行。这一消息引起各界热议...
EU Tariff Imposition Despite doubts and opposition from various Chinese and European sectors, on October 29, 2024, the European Commission issued...
With the growing awareness of endangered species protection and the development of international communication, particularly through the rapid ri...
He is China's "Prometheus," the writer who declined the Nobel Prize in Literature. Mao Zedong once praised him, saying, "The direction in which L...
Non traditional Chinese and Italians Love without Borders: Romance and Creativity Across Cultures Men and women from different countries, cultura...
Exploring Areas of Common Interest Between China and Italy A Breakthrough Visit From July 27 to 31, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni embarke...