刘震云米兰读者见面会 2024年12月2日,“刘震云米兰读者见面会”于比可卡大学的Martinotti礼堂举行。刘震云是当今中国文坛最成功的作家之一,他的作品被翻译成二十多种语言在全世界发行。最近,他最重要的作品《一句顶一万句》以意大利语出版,本书荣获2006年中国文学最高奖茅盾奖。本书被...
Tag: Italy
Liu Zhenyun’s Milan Reader Event On December 2, 2024, the "Liu Zhenyun Milan Reader Event" was held at the Martinotti Auditorium of Bicocca Unive...
全球化背景下的老龄化与社会挑战:中意两国不同的选择 在全球化的大背景下,人口老龄化已成为跨国界的共同挑战。特别是在生育率下降和预期寿命延长的双重影响下,人口老龄化问题日益凸显。意大利和中国,作为两个具有不同社会制度和经济发展水平的国家,在应对这些挑战时采取了不同的策略。 人口老龄化:意大利...
The NDP Project Laboratory of the University of Milan – Project of the www.nationaldailypress.it journal – Intesa Sanpaolo Protezione Professor L...
Non traditional Chinese and Italians Love without Borders: Romance and Creativity Across Cultures Men and women from different countries, cultura...
Exploring Areas of Common Interest Between China and Italy A Breakthrough Visit From July 27 to 31, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni embarke...
On July 5th, a Chinese stand-up comedy show titled "Applied Imagination" was held at Tempio del Futuro Perduto, located at Via Luigi Nono 7 in Mi...
Food design "JOYY!" and Ci Vediamo Noodle Welcoming Summer with Colors On June 16th, the food design studio "JOYY!" launched an endlessly creativ...
Exclusive Show in Milan! Following a triumphant concert, the RED, the renowned American alternative rock metal quartet, is set to return to Italy...
When every Chinese international student arrives in a foreign land, one of the first things they do is open a map to find Chinese supermarkets an...